Life Lines by Dr. Dolittle

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Tag Archive for ‘fitness’

What dolphins can teach us about healthy aging

The risk of developing cardiovascular disease increases with aging as arteries can become increasingly stiff and the inner lining, called the endothelium, can become dysfunctional. Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Yara Bernaldo De Quiros Miranda (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) is interested in understanding how bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, protect their cardiovascular system during aging. She is currently a visiting scholar at the University of Colorado at Boulder where she […]

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Guest Blog: Fasting as a strategy to build athletic diving capacity

Kaitlin Allen is a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley where she studies the physiology of elephant seals in the laboratory of Dr. José Pablo Vázquez-Medina. She received the 2024 Dr. Dolittle Travel Award from the Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology section of the American Physiological Society to attend the 2024 American Physiology Summit in Long Beach, CA (April 4-7). Kaitlin prepared this award-winning guest blog entry to describe […]

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New research shows that muscles in hibernating animals consume energy

Hibernation allows animals to reduce their energy needs during winter, when food may be scarce and high amounts of energy would be required to maintain body temperature. These animals prepare for winter by storing body fat that can be used as fuel during hibernation. Skeletal muscles in particular have high energy needs as they make up nearly half of an animal’s body mass. They also play important roles in regulating […]

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Let’s stop lactate-shaming

As wisely stated in an editorial by Dr. George Brooks, UC Berkeley (2001), “Nature is smarter, and things are more complex than we mortals imagine.” Sure lactate is produced during exercise and is often blamed for causing muscles to fatigue, but there is much more to the story. In fact, research has shown that lactate plays many important physiological roles in the body such as serving as a metabolic fuel […]

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